The focus of an artist’s CV is to highlight your artistic training, exhibition history and significant career achievements. The important thing is to keep it simple, clear and easy to read with well defined categories. A typical CV is between one to four pages long and the layout should be kept simple. Stick to standard font and font sizes and always proofread the CV before sending it out to avoid any spelling mistakes. Also make sure the CV is current and up to date before submitting it. Recommended details include:
Personal Details
Name, address, phone number, website address, email and any other additional contact details. Your name should also appear on every page of the CV
Education/Artist Training
Any artist related education and training. Courses, BA/Foundation/honors degrees, post grad and academic achievements.
Grants and Awards
Any art related grants and awards you have received.
These should be listed in chronological order starting from the most recent exhibition. Solo shows and group shows can be grouped together if you are a beginning artist have few exhibitions. Experienced artists may choose to only include only selected exhibitions
Any commission based work you have done.
This can be both public and private collection. Private collectors might want to stay anonymous, so permission should always be obtained before listing their name on your CV.
Current Gallery Representation and/or Agent
Galleries/agents who are exhibiting and representing your work.
Any published articles, reviews and catalogues about your work.
Other categories you might want to include
Artist Residency, Art Related Employment, Professional Memberships