Touring Artist Journal: Joachim Froese, Normanton
It was Queen’s Birthday Weekend and like every year this meant that I was flying up to North Queensland for the Normanton Rodeo to be the ‘Roaming Photography Tutor’ for the event. This was my third year up there and by now the sounds and smells were familiar. I have even become an expert on […]

Touring Artist Journal: Lily Karmatz, Spring Hill
We had a five hours hands-on workshop with nineteen male students. Lunch and afternoon tea were catered for all of us. The workshop was set up outside the art studio with a few long tables. The autumn weather was perfect for working outside undercover. The students were inspired with my power point presentation. I gave […]

Touring Artist Journal: Mark Paddick
Sometimes it can be the artists/teacher that can learn from the students and this was definitely the case with the students at the Ipswich Special School. As a complete stranger, walking through the school for the first lesson, I was amazed by how friendly every student was: polite and welcoming with offers to help carry my gear to the room...

Touring Artist Journal: Mark Paddick
Arriving at the Bellflower Retirement Village on Saturday morning, I was greeted with a hive of activity with a huge art market day underway in the main hall. The stares began when, amongst the knitting and craft stalls entered a guy with a crate full of aerosol paint. Although the “graffiti” workshop was fully booked, […]

Touring Artist Journal: Mary Elizabeth Barron
Mary Elizabeth Barron recently visited a school in Ipswich to teach students from year 7 to 12 how to make bags... out of bags! Read more about the lesson here.

Touring Artist Journal: Nancy Brown
Flying Arts Artist Nancy Brown returned to a college in North Lakes to teach a workshop on printmaking techniques. Read about her experiences.

Touring Artist Journal: Nancy Brown, North Lakes
Pressing Question: Can you print etchings on a clay press? I was invited to run a Drypoint etching workshop at a school that didn’t have an etching press; and so the journey of discovery began. It was a two day Flying Arts workshop at North Lakes, where international students were welcomed to the school with […]

Touring Artist Journal: Paula Payne
A very successful day with seven participants in all learning how to handle water color and gouache. A stimulating environment to work in the gallery among ‘Jandamara’s’ huge portraits.