A number of funding opportunities, free online resources and support now exist for artists, organisations and arts communities during the coronavirus pandemic. Flying Arts will endeavour to keep our community up-to-date with the latest information as the situation evolves.
Easing Queensland’s COVID-19 Restrictions
On Friday 8 May 2020 the Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk released Queensland’s Roadmap to Easing COVID-19 restrictions. The roadmap outlines a staged approach to giving Queenslanders more freedom to travel, participate in more activities and hold more gatherings.Â
Re-opening Museums and Galleries
The Queensland Government’s Roadmap to easing COVID-19 Restrictions identifies that Queensland’s public museums and galleries are able to re-open from 13 June 2020 under Stage 2. To re-open, museums and galleries are required to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan that details how your organisation will re-open responsibly and comply with Government and public health authority guidelines, physical distancing and containment measures.
Download the Museums & Galleries COVID-19 Safety Plan
Funding and Financial Assistance
Grant funding and financial assistance available to artists, artsworkers and arts organisations.
Funding for Individuals and Groups
Funding for Organisations
General Resources
Some great resource pages from other arts institutions.
- Museums & Galleries Queensland
- Creative Alliance
- Australia Council for the Arts
- Arts Queensland
- Auspicious Arts Project
Mental health and WellnessÂ
- Beyond Blue: Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service
- Australian PSychological Society: Coronavirus: psychologists offer advice for maintaining positive mental health
- Lifeline:Â Mental health and wellbeing during the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak
- Facebook Group: Australian Arts amidst COVID-19
- The Arts Wellbeing Collective: Looking after your mental health during COVID-19
- Lifeline (13 11 14)
- Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636)
- Support Act Wellness Helpline (1800 959 500)
Artists, Artsworker + Creative Community Resources
Links to online resources for income support, adapting business strategy and more.
Seeking Government Income Support
- Queensland Government: Information for Businesses
- NAVA: About the JobKeeper wage subsidy program
- NAVA: Support for Organisations affected by COVID-19
- NAVA: Support for sole traders affected by COVID-19
Business Strategy and Management
- Medium: Resources for Freelancers, Contractors and Gig workers
- Telstra: Supporting Small Businesses through COVID-19
- NAVA: Today’s Office: How to Work from Somewhere Else
- ArtsHub: Finding new audiences online
- ArtsHub: Why marketing is important now, more than ever
- Artwork Archive: Webinar: Strategies for Running an Art Business during COVID-19
- Artwork Archive: Digital Tools for Artists to Run a Career During Coronavirus
Educator + School Resources
Teachers and Arts educators
- Flying Arts Educator + School Resources (scroll down for worksheets)
- The Art of Education University: “The Best Apps to Help You Teach Art Remotely”
- The Art of Education University: “How to Teach Art When No One Can Go to School”
- The Art of Education: Free Online Resources
- Masterworks Fine Art: Resources and Links
- Educators Technology: Art Resources for Teachers
Parents and family of school aged-children
- Observer: An art history professor’s tips for taking your kids on a world tour – from home
- Creative Alliance: Child Friendly Activities
- The Art of Education University: “27 art activities and lessons to try at home”
- Kidspot: Art Activities
- Ken Done: Free Educational Resources for students
Latest News
Read the latest Coronavirus news for the Australian art world
- 18 May – ABC: “Coronavirus Australia live news” (updated daily)
- 23 April – The Guardian: “Coronavirus hit Australia’s arts industry hard and early. Our support package is designed to help”
15 April – The Guardian: “Call for $750m rescue package for coronavirus-hit Australian arts”
15 April – The Guardian: “Australia’s coronavirus social distancing rules explained: state by state guidelines”
- 14 April –Â Flying Arts: “Media Release: Regional Arts Recieve a Recovery Boost”