As we pass the halfway mark of this challenging year, we would like to take a moment to reflect on Flying Arts’ achievements and growth in 2019. Due to the unfolding circumstances of 2020, our AGM was held later than expected and during this meeting our board approved the 2019 Annual Report and Financial Report.
We are proud to share with you, our valued artists, arts workers, arts educators, program participants, colleagues, partners, donors and sponsors, a snapshot of our contributions to Queensland’s thriving arts community.
View the full 2019 Annual Report
2019 was a year of consolidating the groundwork an growth of previous years, and while 2020 has not unfolded as expected for many of us, Flying Arts is still “in the air” and continuing our trajectory towards our 50th year in 2021 with our commitment to transforming lives through the arts in Queensland for years to come.
2019 at a Glance
(Click here for an expanded view of the graphic)
Welcome 2020 Flying Arts Board
On 18 June Flying Arts officially welcomed new members of the board, congratulated returning members and said a sad farewell to a few long-standing members.
Most notably, we would like to thank Prof. John O’Toole AM who has stepped down after 4 years as Chair and 6 years on the Flying Arts board. Our events will certainly not be the same without John’s infamous oratory!
We would also like to recognise the outstanding contributions of Andy Stephanos who has stepped down as Treasurer of 2 years and after more than 10 years of service as Flying Arts’ Finance Officer. Dr Susan Ostling has also relinquishing her position as Vice-Chair after 4 years on the board. Thank you all for your invaluable contributions.
We are excited to announce Flying Arts’ new invigorated and experienced board. Long-term board members Sarah Barron and Kasia Kondas will be co-chairs, steering our flying ‘art’ craft for the next year. We welcome back returning board members Gabriella Ritchie (Secretary), Kathy Schaefer and Michelle Tuahine. We warmly welcome new board members, Louise Guy (Treasurer), Josephine Wise, Mary-Clare Power, Lorraine Dinsey and Bruce Heiser.
We look forward to receiving their insights and guidance.
Learn more about ourĀ board