Touring Artist Journal Archives
The Touring Artist Journal has been up and running for a number of years We have compiled these previous Touring Artist Journal entries into easy-to-read archives for you to download and enjoy.

Touring Artist Journal: Belinda Daw, Moranbah
Flying into Moranbah I could see coal mines on the outer edges of town; a few active and many dormant. I’d just touched down and the pilots opened up the cockpit and said hi: a nice touch, and only in the country. My host collected me from the airport and filled me in on the […]

Touring Artist Journal: Casselle Mountford
Flying Artist Casselle Mountford recently delivered a college arts immersion experience at a school in Far North Queensland. Read about her experience here!

Touring Artist Journal: Casselle Mountford
Casselle Mountford worked with a group of 18 year 11 students over a 2 1/2 hour period, creating small sculptures using cane. Read more about the workshop and its outcomes here.

Touring Artist Journal: Cate Collopy
I was delighted at the prospect of travelling to Dalby as a Flying Arts Representative Artist. I had worked there several years earlier as a Vocational Education Teacher for SQIT TAFE and so looked forward to the journey through the Darling Downs Region and a revisit to Dalby State High School where I had taught […]

Touring Artist Journal: Cheryl McGannon, Windsor
I rose at 5am and was on the road by 6.30am to arrive in Brisbane by 8.30am. Sunday April 26 was a beautiful sunny morning with the chill of autumn in the air. I always have a heightened sense of expectation and excitement before I deliver one of my workshops. One of the best things […]

Touring Artist Journal: Clare Poppi
This is the fourth year I have travelled to Mt Isa with Flying Arts to teach this particular workshop to grade 11 & 12 students. Each year it seems to improve as both the organizer, Sonja Vasjello and myself grow more comfortable in the structure of the workshop, and make improvements to how we can run it.

Touring Artist Journal: Duke Albada
With the mining in decline the economic and social aspects in this small country town are quickly diminishing. So not the drive of Bree Day, who understands that creative development contributes to the wellbeing of individuals and the cohesion of the social tapestry. My workshop is only one in a series of creative endeavors. The […]