Flying Arts is pleased to announce the renewal of our appointment as the Regional Program Administrator of the Regional Arts Fund (RAF) in Queensland, extending from 2021 until 2027.
RAF is an ongoing national program that provides approximately $3.6 million per year to support artists and communities in regional and remote areas.
The Regional Arts Fund is part of the Australian Government’s Arts and Cultural Development Program that supports participation in, and access to, Australia’s arts and culture through developing and supporting cultural expression.
New Guidelines
On behalf of the Australian Government, Regional Arts Australia has introduced updated RAF Guidelines for Project Grants and Quick Response Grants, effective 1 July 2021.
These new Guidelines will standardise the administration of RAF nationally, in response to feedback across the regional arts sector.
These Guidelines will simplify the accessibility of RAF applications, including clearer assessment criteria, updated grant stream definitions and increased frequency of RAF Quick Response funding rounds. Project Grants will continue to be administered according to the stream’s existing format of two rounds annually.
Changes to Quick Response Grants
As of 1 July 2021, Quick Response Grants will be administered as a competitive round open on the first day of each month from February to November. Under this format, the funding stream will now be offered across 10 competitive rounds annually, instead of the previous ‘rolling’ fund format in which applications were assessed in the order they were submitted in a quarterly pattern.
The format increases the number of opportunities each year for short-term funding to assist regional artists, arts organisations and communities to take up professional or skills development or small project opportunities that cannot be funded by other means.
Grant Applicants can resubmit if unsuccessful, , but are only eligible to receive funding from one grant in each category – Quick Response and Project Grants – in the same financial year.
For any questions about the new guidelines and how these affect your applications to the Regional Arts Fund, please get in contact with our RAF Engagement Officer at on (07) 3216 1322, or email raf@nullflyingarts.org.au.
The Regional Arts Fund (RAF) is an Australian Government program designed to benefit regional and remote arts practitioners, arts workers, audiences and communities. The fund is provided through Regional Arts Australia and is administered in Queensland by Flying Arts Alliance.