Application process
- Read the Guidelines and RAF Eligibility Guidelines from Regional Arts Australia
- Read the Terms of Funding
- View the Frequently Asked Questions
- Read the SmartyGrants Help Guide for Applicants
- View the Resources page
- Apply for your desired grant
Available Grant Streams
View the links below to read more about the current Regional Arts Fund grants available.
Applications to RAF funding streams will be accepted from individuals, groups, incorporated not-for-profit organisations and councils which reside in locations classified as ‘regional’ according to the Modified Monash Model.
View the Eligibility Guidelines (pdf)
To be eligible, all applicants must:
- be based in an MMM2 – MMM7 location within Queensland*
- be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
- Groups and organisations must either be legally incorporated and have an ABN or have an auspice organisation manage their grant.
- Individual applicants must have an ABN that is in the name of the applicant. The postcode attached to the ABN must match the applicant’s residential address.
- have satisfied the reporting requirements of any previous Regional Arts Fund grants
- not have received a RAF grant in the same stream in the same financial year
An application will be deemed ineligible if:
- it does not comply with the eligibility criteria
- the activity’s start date falls outside of the requirement
- Quick Response Grants: within 2-12 weeks of the round’s closing date
- Project Grants: round-dependent, as indicated on the application form
- the application is incomplete
- funding is requested for activities that principally benefit a major city or metropolitan location (i.e. not regional)
- funding is requested for project components already funded by other programs administered by the Australian Government or other state and local government agencies
- funding is requested for competitions, prizes, or awards
- funding is requested for touring activities from major cities (MM 1), such as tours of performances and exhibitions
- funding is requested for curriculum based activities, including for primary, secondary or tertiary courses
- the proposed projects or activity does not substantially align with and further the objectives of the RAF
- funding is requested for ongoing activities of collecting institutions (i.e. core administrative costs or infrastructure costs including building or fitting out permanent structures)
- the project will commence before funding is approved
- the applicant is not based in Queensland
Please note that once the grant round has closed, changes to submitted applications cannot be made.
Using the Modified Monash Model Map
Residents of MMM2 – MMM7 locations are eligible to apply for this funding. Residents of MMM1 locations are ineligible.
Please search your address on the Australian Government’s Health Workforce Locator
- Select Modified Monash Model 2019
- Enter your address
- Click ‘search location’
- Note the MMM number of your location
If you have any questions about your MMM location please contact Flying Arts on 07 3216 1322 for assistance with your MMM eligibility.
Although ineligible to apply in their own right, individuals and organisations from excluded areas (MMM1) can participate in RAF-funded project activities as project partners and/or paid participants where the applicant is an eligible regional arts organisation or individual (MMM2-MMM7).
Working with children, people with disability, and other vulnerable people
If you are successful in receiving funding through the program, your grant agreement will include a provision regarding compliance with applicable state, territory and Commonwealth laws relating to employment or engagement of any project personnel who work with children. The grant agreement will also include a provision regarding complying with applicable state, territory and Commonwealth laws before any project personnel commences an activity that involves vulnerable people.
Vulnerable Persons for this purpose means:
- a Child or Children; or
- an individual aged 18 years and above who is or may be unable to take care of themselves, or is unable to protect themselves against harm or exploitation by reason of age, illness, trauma or disability, or any other reason.
In Queensland, legislation requires that people who work with children and young people must undergo a Working With Children Check to hold a blue card or an exemption card if their work falls into one of the regulated categories of business or employment. For more information, please go to the Queensland Government Blue Card website.
Further, under the Disability Services Act 2006, persons engaged by a non-government service provider at a place where disability services are provided to adults must undergo criminal history screening every three years to hold a yellow card unless exempt if their work falls into one of the regulated categories of business or employment. For more information, please view the Queensland Government Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors criminal history screening website.
For resources and links to legislative requirement outside of Queensland please see the Regional Arts Australia Vulnerable People Resource Kit.
Working with First Nations Cultural Content and Communities
You must provide information about how you will engage appropriately with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and/or cultural content. Examples of evidence may include:
- A letter of support
- A video testimonial
- A PDF of email exchanges shared with permission
- Meeting minutes detailing confirmation of participation
You may wish to review the Creative Australia’s Protocols for using First Nations Cultural and Intellectual Property in the Arts to guide you.
Looking for assistance?
Email all general RAF enquiries through to or call us on (07) 3216 1322.
The Regional Arts Fund (RAF) is an Australian Government program designed to benefit regional and remote arts practitioners, arts workers, audiences and communities. The fund is provided through Regional Arts Australia and is administered in Queensland by Flying Arts Alliance.