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If there’s anything we’ve learnt recently, it’s that the creative arts can help us through even the most difficult of situations.
Considering the current flood disaster in Greater Southeast Queensland, Wide Bay-Burnett and Fraser Coast, many of our regions are experiencing trying times now.
We wanted to remind you that Flying Arts is here to support artists and creative communities throughout this great state.
Please reach out to us if you need assistance and our team at Flying Arts will assist to put you in contact with artist recovery packages and resources as they become available. Contact us on info@nullflyingarts.org.au or send us a direct message.
Another great way to engage, connect and seek creative support is through our Flying Arts Community Facebook page for wherever you are located throughout our great state. Whether you are an artist, arts worker, arts educator or support someone who is, this page is for you as a supportive online environment.

The Regional Arts Fund is an ongoing program that provides approximately 3.6 million dollars per year to support artists and communities in regional and remote areas. The Regional Arts Fund is part of the Australian Government’s Arts and Cultural Development Program that supports participation in, and access to, Australia’s arts and culture through developing and supporting cultural expression.
The Regional Arts Fund is managed by Regional Arts Australia on behalf of the Australian Government and administrated by Flying Arts in Queensland.

Applications for all Cultural Tourism Accelerator Funding streams have now closed.
The Cultural Tourism Accelerator Program is a 5-million-dollar targeted measure announced by the Australian Government as part of the Regional Arts Tourism package, which will enable arts organisations to promote and develop cultural events for tourists across regional Australia. The program will increase tourism visitation in regional, rural, and remote communities across Australia by providing financial support for arts and cultural activity.
All applicants will be notified of decisions by March 2022

RAF Quick Response Grants
Quick Response Grants are intended to assist regional artists, arts organisations, and communities to take up professional or skills development or small project opportunities and aim to support small arts or cultural projects that cannot be funded by other means because of their nature or timing.
The second round of Quick Response Grants for 2022 are now open for applications! The March round closes midnight 31 March 2022. All applicants will be notified of decisions by April 7th, 2022.
Successful Quick Response Grant recipients from previous rounds can be found here. Learn More
Image credit: Tropical Steampunk 2020 Creations and Freakshow Cairns | Scene of the Tank | Image by Karen Van Harskamp | 2021 RAF Recovery Recipient Rebecca Scott

Project Grants
The Project Grants stream supports applications which benefit the community, increase access and participation, and/or provide direct benefits to artists/arts workers. Project Grants provide major funding for high-quality arts projects benefiting regional or remote artists, arts workers, audiences, and communities.
2022 Round 1 of RAF Project Grants are open now and close at midnight on 14 March 2022.
Learn More
Image credit: Whale’s Tale by Christine Holden | Image by Wezzy Cruze | Round 1 2021 Project Grant – Wrapt in Mugal – Moogal Enterprises
SPOTLIGHT PROJECT: Aspy Jones Single Launch

Gympie-based artist and musician Aspy Jones launched his new single Underdog in his regional hometown of Gympie in November 2021.
With support from the Regional Arts Fund, Aspy Jones was able to support local artists with paid opportunities to perform a concert of original music at the heritage listed Australian Institute for Country Music (AICM).
Aspy’s new single ‘Underdog’ was written about people who get overlooked in life and do not have their chance to shine. His songs are mainly written about his struggles with autism, anxiety, memory issues and mental health. This sold-out show was attended in person by 100 Gympie residents and attendees from areas as far as the Sunshine Coast and Hervey Bay with attendees ranging in age from 6 to 80 years old.
This Spotlight Project meets the following RAF criteria to a high degree “increase employment and professional development opportunities for, and raise the profile of, regional and remote artists”
Industry News and Opportunities
Guidelines for Working Collaboratively with First Nations Creatives
7 Apr, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, Your computer
In this webinar, Aunty Nicole Williams will discuss strategies for collaborating with First Nations creatives, organisations, and businesses. This discussion-based webinar will empower you to build meaningful and long lasting connections with your local Traditional Custodians.
Register Now
Flood disaster for arts sector
Online Article
Artists and organisations in northern NSW and south-east Qld have been badly impacted by the latest extreme weather events.
Learn More
News: Our Hybrid Future
Regional Arts Australia invites people aged 18-24 with an interest in storytelling and writing to submit an EOI to be part of Regional Scribes. Regional Scribes is an opportunity for young people in any stage of their writing and storytelling journeys to overcome the vastness of space and isolation by coming together virtually to meet with like minded peers across the country. Learn more
Other Funding Opportunities
A list of Nation and State funding opportunities for artists and artsworkers.
Learn More
Celebrate creative community and join the Flying Arts crew!
Flying Arts members are an important part of our community. Members not only join a network of people keenly interested in celebrating arts and culture, but also receive benefits like reduced scheduled workshop vouchers, voting rights at our AGM, discounts with retail partners and more!
We additionally offer Accredited Membership which includes general liability insurance for artists and artworkers engaged in professional practice.
Visit our website or contact our team at members@nullflyingarts.org.au
Support Flying Arts!
50 years we have made a big difference delivering art experiences and supporting creative communities all over Queensland.
Help us raise $50,000 to celebrate half a century of Flying Arts Alliance, so we can be here for Queensland communities for the next 50 years.
To make a donation, please click here
The Regional Arts Fund (RAF) is an Australian Government program designed to benefit regional and remote arts practitioners, arts workers, audiences and communities. The fund is provided through Regional Arts Australia and is administered in Queensland by Flying Arts Alliance.