Wood and enamel paint
8 x 7 x 4 cm
A hand carved sculpture produced over several months. The shape of the bike is similar to a cheap road bike, which the artist uses for his daily commute. The slow, meditative process of whittling the wood to produce this and the other works is similar to the artist’s experience of bike riding – working with the inconsistencies of the surface and enjoying the independence of not using a powered machine.
wood and enamel paint
7 x 5 x 3 cm
Benz (2017) is a miniature vase with Mercedes Benz logo-shaped flowers that have been intricately carved from huon pine. This work is both a simple reference to the artist’s first name ‘Ben’ and a parody of the hip-hop artists who symbolise their success through overt references to luxury brands.

Wood and acrylic panels
13 x 6 x 6 cm
This piece has strong references to popular culture. In this hand-carved work the artist has placed a skateboard in a small display cabinet above a pair of glasses. These two objects symbolise different parts of the artist’s identity as an educated skater. The vertical display cabinet challenges the cultural hierarchy often ascribed to these activities. Like the work Benz, this work recognises the irony of this hierarchy in the title Low Life, High Life, which describes someone who can live the ‘high life’ through gaining success as a self-branded ‘lowlife’.

Wood, arcylicÂ
13 x 6 x 6 cm
Flower reflects the meditative process of whittling the wood to produce these works, which is similar to the artist’s experience of bike riding and gardening.

Mixed mediaÂ
11 x 4 x 4 cm
Flag echoes the parody of the hip-hop artists who symbolise their success through overt references to luxury brands found in Benz.
Ben’s small sculpture series will be on display at the Judith Wright Centre from 30 November 2018 – 22 February 2018 as part of Flying Arts Featured Artists – Summer Exhibition
Ben Landers is a Brisbane based visual artist who studied Fine Art at QUT, graduating in 2006. Whilst he regularly uses a range of different media areas, a common thread that runs through his work is a humorous approach to identity. In addition to applying for gallery shows, Ben is currently producing a collection of ceramic pieces to sell at markets as an alternate way to promote his work.
Read more about Ben here.