30jan3:30 pm4:45 pmConnecting Art with Your CommunityCASC Webinar for Teachers & Educators
30th January 2018 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm(GMT+10:00)
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This webinar will showcase how an art teacher’s network can be a positive opportunity to expand knowledge, share experiences, garner support, and develop new and lasting friendships. North
This webinar will showcase how an art teacher’s network can be a positive opportunity to expand knowledge, share experiences, garner support, and develop new and lasting friendships. North Queensland Art Teachers (NQArT) chairperson Christina Papadimitriou will discuss how their network began and how it has evolved over the years. She will also share some examples of what the group has achieved over the past few years, including teacher exhibitions and specialised professional development opportunities.
Christina Papadimitriou is an art and photography teacher of 15 years, who is passionate about art education and community engagement. Currently the chairperson for North Queensland Art Teachers (NQArT), she believes a strong network can provide opportunities for like-minded people to share their knowledge and skills to further their own, and others’, art and education practices.