23oct3:00 pm4:45 pmConnecting Art with HistoryCASC Webinar for Teachers & Educators
23rd October 2018 3:00 pm - 4:45 pm(GMT+10:00)
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This webinar will share the planning, implementation, arts process and the results of a history-focused artist in residence case study to be undertaken during 2018 with teacher Susanne Kelly and
This webinar will share the planning, implementation, arts process and the results of a history-focused artist in residence case study to be undertaken during 2018 with teacher Susanne Kelly and her primary aged class.
Lee Fullarton is a practicing and teaching artist that has worked extensively with children of all ages within schools and alternative settings in Australia and in New Delhi, India. Lee has extensive experience in: visual art practices with children, artist in residence programs, arts project management, developing curriculum resources in the arts for education, galleries and museums. Whilst Lee maintains her arts practice she works as teaching artist across two primary schools in Queensland, is a Flying Arts Artist Facilitator and coordinator of Primary Arts Network Ipswich.