30sepAll DayIndividual Bursaries of Artists/Curators: Public Galleries QLD - Brisbane, QLDGrant
30th September 2019 All Day(GMT+10:00)
Grants of up to a maximum of $500 are available for independent artists and/or curators to assist deliver lectures, workshops, or similar in partnership with a regional or metropolitan gallery. Grants can
Grants of up to a maximum of $500 are available for independent artists and/or curators to assist deliver lectures, workshops, or similar in partnership with a regional or metropolitan gallery. Grants can be used towards travel, associated workshop fees, workshop materials, accommodation and living expenses during the period of the partnership arrangement.
Closing Dates: 30 April 2019 and 30 September 2019
Amount: Up to $500.
Restrictions: Applicants must be individual members of PGQ. The partnership organisation must also be a member of PGQ. More information on PGQ membership here. List of current PGQ organisational members here.